I want to share not only a manifesting practice but also a simple mindset shift that anyone can start. It all lies in the power of the words we speak. Stick around for the bonus tip.
I believe that the energy we put out into the world is what we attract back. In this context, that energy comes from the words we choose to speak and the narratives we tell ourselves.
What do I mean by this?
Let me give you an example…
Have you ever met someone who always seems to have continuous drama in their life? Negative situations follow them like a bad smell. We can manifest what we speak, meaning that if you keep focusing on drama and feeding into it, you’ll attract more of it. Phrases like ‘My life is complete chaos’ or ‘Drama always follows me!’ serve as signals to the universe to bring you more of the same.
When we want to manifest something in our life we have to be mindful of our words internally and what we speak out loud. Some might say it’s easier to reign in your spoken dialogue but it’s just as important to take care of the story you are telling yourself inside (very bloody important).
This takes practice, absolutely. I try my best to be conscious of the words I speak. Of course, there will be slip ups and self doubt creeps in, maybe you’ve been around a negative person, or you’re just having a bad day. After all, we’re simply trying to rewire our internal hard drive! Nothing major.
Take money, for example. If you have a negative relationship with it, if you believe there’s a lack of it or that you could never achieve abundance, the universe picks up on this energy and it keeps you feeling stuck!
It’s not about skipping around chanting ‘I’m rich’ like some gangster, waiting for 4 mil to magically drop into your account. It’s about having a strong belief that certain things you want in life can absolutely happen for you. I love love love saying to people when they are sharing their dreams, ‘There’s s no reason why that can’t happen for you.’ I recommend you saying this—it’s a little boost of encouragement that we all need from time to time!

You may not have whatever you desire yet but you have a deep knowing it can happen for you.
Bonus manifesting tip: Want for others more than for yourself.
When you want the best for others, you foster deeper connections and find such greater fulfilment in uplifting people rather than focusing solely on personal gain. This philosophy is at the core of many spiritual teachers, including my absolute favourite, Dr. Wayne Dyer. I’ll leave a link to his podcast below. I listen to his podcast most days, he’s lifted me up during some dark moments, and I really admire his compassion towards callers seeking advice. I’d highly recommend it if you’re looking for more guidance on living a more abundant life and understanding the power of our mind.
Question: What’s a negative belief about yourself that you’ve worked to change, and what steps did you take to shift your perspective?
Big Loves
I have plenty of negative beliefs I am looking to shift at the moment but, one that feels large is my beliefs around money and calling myself, "broke." It makes me feel better to make jokes about not having enough money but in reality, I know it creates more negative pathways around scarcity in my mind. I think telling myself, "I am growing my wealth" can help but also expressing compassion like, "I am learning how to make money doing what I love. That is the dream and we are going for it." I also want to shift this mindset that I have a lot of things in my life I need to work on because in reality, there is a lot going right in my life too! I have beautiful friends, I live in a beautiful place, I have healthy parents. My life is abundant!
I wholeheartedly agree with this Emily!! My life changed when I began choosing my words more carefully. It’s uncomfortable at first, I don’t know if it’s being English but I hated saying good things about myself so I started by saying compliments about myself as if it were a joke but now I fully believe them and it changes everything. Thank you for sharing this!! ✨